
How old is Bill from L4D?

How old is Bill from L4D?

Bill is the oldest survivor of Left 4 Dead. Bill fought in active combat during the Vietnam War with the Green Berets. Bill is the oldest theorized to be in his 60s due to his involvement in Vietnam of the original Survivor team and appears to hold a strong presence as the group leader.

How tall is the smoker L4D?

He measures approximately 15 inches tall including the base.

Who is the leader in L4D2?

I read on the L4D wiki that Coach is the \”leader\” of the L4D2 survivors.Apr 18 2014

What is the virus in l4d2?

The Green Flu commonly referred to as The Infection was the name given to an unknown virus that converted most humans who came into contact with it into homicidal and zombie-like beings known as the Infected.

What happened to CEDA?

Suppression by the Military Eventually due to their failure to contain the Infection and the rapid spread of the virus the U.S. military took over all CEDA operations. This presumably happened somewhere between the events of Dark Carnival (assumed day 22) and the events of The Parish (assumed day 24).

What special infected were added in l4d2?

Current Special Infected from left to right: Charger Hunter Spitter Jockey The Tank Witch Boomer Smoker. Seven of the Special Infected are playable by human players in the following gameplay modes: Versus.

How do I change the difficulty in l4d2?

You can change the difficulty of a campaign by searching up \”Make a vote\” and changing the difficulty. Like voting in Versus it requires more than half the votes to pass. In Single Player this is automatically done as you are the only human player in that campaign.

Is Left 4 Dead 1 or 2 better?

Left 4 Dead is a better game in many major ways including animation atmosphere bot behavior and characters. Left 4 Dead 2 has more stuff. If you want an actual zombie apocalypse experience go with Left 4 Dead. If you just want to kill zombies and mod everything in sight go with Left 4 Dead 2.May 21 2014

What is the best campaign in Left 4 Dead 2?

Left 4 Dead 2: 10 Of The Best Custom Campaigns8 Helm’s Deep.7 Warcelona.6 Urban Flight.5 Deathcraft II.4 I Hate Mountains 2.3 Day Break.2 Death Aboard 2.1 Back To School.More items•Sep 17 2021

Is the last stand Canon L4D2?

Left 4 Dead 2 The Last Stand is not canon – the areas exist in the L4D universe but the survivors never canonically go there. It branches off from Death Toll you can find the pickup truck in an out of bounds area and leads back into Dead Air after the Slaters kick them off the boat.Nov 19 2020

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