Is Left 4 Dead 2 On Its Way Out?

What to look for in a dying game?

There are two factors I like to consider of a game I believe to be on its way out. The first is the price for the game and the second is support.


If you are a fan of using the Steam software and like to purchase your games from there, then you would know about the Steam sale that has been going on. During this two week event Left 4 Dead 2 was available for $9.99 and if memory serves me correctly it was even down to $4.99 for one day. The non-sale price is $19.99 on Steam and even cheaper at places such as Amazon.

With the price of Left 4 Dead 2 being so low, could this relate to the game losing its popularity?

Left 4 Dead has fallen to 16th on the list of Steam’s Top Sellers. Sure, with the Steam sale going on this list is a little skewed because the top games are the latest one day sales. However, I am looking forward to seeing this list when the Steam sale has concluded. It will be interesting to see if L4D 2 can reclaim a spot in the Top 10, back to where it once stood since the release.


Games that are abandoned by their developers are certainly dead in my book. The game may still be popular among gamers, but when developers give up work on any future updates then they are indirectly telling us they are working on other future releases.

So far Valve continues to release new content and updates for the Left 4 Dead series. I would expect this trend to continue through 2011 with updates becoming less frequent as the year goes on.

If fewer people are playing L4D then can we expect fewer planned updates?

Categories: Left 4 Dead 2
Dirk Parkes:

View Comments (4)

  • Since Valve is releasing ALL L4D campaigns with Cold Stream, instead of just one like the did with the Passing, this implies that this is the last DLC, other wise, they would be saving some of the other ports for later DLC's.
    This implies that they are trying to be finnished with this part in the series, which could mean that they are planning for L4D3 in a sooner year!

  • It's not on is way out. A ton of fans still love L4D1. I do agree a PS3 version should be made, and I also think a new L4D should have some hype about it! I work at a game store and always recommend L4D1 and 2 to new and exsisting 360 users :)

    I love the game, loyal fans won't let it die out.



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