Tweet 4 Dead: L4D on Twitterland

@infected_officer: Why am I always hungry? lol.

We’re living in an age of oversharing and information overload. With social networking sites like Facebook and microblogging sites like Twitter, humans are now armed with the means to tell the world practically anything. Naturally, it has its pros and cons.

Everybody talks about what they’re having for breakfast, what color of socks they’re wearing, how cute their pet dog is (plus Instagram), where they are and more recently, about that cannibal attack in Miami. You know how it goes.

Fortunately, people also get to share their thoughts about video games and Left 4 Dead is no exception – which is why I decided to do a little tweet-digging to see what Twitterverse has to say about our favorite zombie game.

Apparently, more than a handful of people have things to say about it, from ditching homework for a round of shooting, imagining the scenario of a real zombie outbreak, “preparing” for it and so on. Allow me to share with you some of the nuggets of gold I found. Here’s a list of 10.


Well, this says a lot about our friend’s partner. Let’s just be glad he’s still alive and tweeting.


If you really think about it, “one myself out a window” can actually mean two things: He’ll throw an infected person out the window or he’ll toss himself out. Let’s hope it’s the former.


This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Next!


He seems confident about his preparation and survival. Cheers to that!


Not so cryptic, are we? A sarcastic follower of #7, perhaps.


What you should be imagining: If she bought the game or not.


Erm, yeah. Time to don the trapper hat and acquire a pushcart, I guess.

#3 & #2.5

Who says you need a reason to love dear Zoey? You love Zoey, we love Zoey. End of story.


Girlfriends and boyfriends, take heed. Especially the clingy ones out there.


Earning the top spot is Nathan Kress, tweeting a L4D gamer’s most closeted fear. With more than 50 RTs and faves, people could not agree more.

PS. During my “research,” I came across some news that some of you may not have heard of yet and would be very much delighted to hear – that of Overkill and Valve working together to combine Left 4 Dead and Payday: The Heist. What are your predictions regarding this effort? Share your thoughts on the comments.

Anthony Free

Categories: Left 4 Dead
Dirk Parkes:


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