Left 4 Dead 3 Trailer Leaked

Leaked footage of Left 4 Dead 3 Trailer:

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  • Its not like this... trust me... this commercial came out during L4D2. Saying its L4D3... its not. It would be really boring if its all old women. ewww

  • I love how the bullet cartrege hit her in the head.

    It's fake though. If you look, there would have been a different text, since that one isn't the correct one.

  • thats fuckin awesome!!! lol it would be hilarious if they released a mod or bonus downloadable level with that in it XD

  • not cool. im not sexist but guys make better characters in video games. who do you prefer Marcus or anya, elis or Rochelle, Laura croft or master chef? exactly. that's why i liked left 4 dead. it covered everyone. the girl, the black guy, the old guy, and the convict. they are trying to appeal to a audience that dosent play video games.

    • audience that doesn't play video games...
      What the hell dude?
      you seriously think girls don't play video games?

      • Really... This guy generalizes something and you start the whole "Girls play Video Games too" concept.To make it comprehensible for you he was saying that people can play as a character that matches their preferences. I really can't stand over-sensitive people.

  • Uhh...No.

    I'm not...you know sexist and anything but NO. i mean come on, where is the fun of that if it's just a bunch of women? I want some guys in there too. Some cute guys like Ellis and Nick were, or some bad ass smart ones like Francis. plus like L4D one and two, we need one black person. It's not the same with out one! <3 I love playing as either or but No older women...I like younger women, teenage women like Zoey was.

  • @deadmike

    laura croft is always better than masterchef :P

    and Zoe was the best character on L4D1


    did you not watch the clip... there was clearly a black woman in it....

    i love female characters in games.. i would love it if they was all female...

    i know when i am playing a game and have to stare at an ass bouncing along for however many hours i play.. i would much rather it be a female one!!!

  • its ok if its just women .... as long as they're really hot teens !!! though the game has to be west coast ... on ps4 too



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